Upgrade your company
Upgrade yourself

+Executive Coaching for IT and Project Management Professionals
+Management Consulting Services

What is Version Four?

We hear a lot about "Web 3.0" and "Business 2.0." A new version of something means new capabilities, new ideas, new possibilities.

At Version Four we believe that everyone, and every organisation, is capable of making significant advancements in how they operate and in the results they achieve. Leapfrog Version 2 and Version 3, and advance to Version 4.

I bring 35 years of experience of Management Consulting at a Big Four consultancy, working across many industries and in 12 countries, specialising in IT mplementation, Project Management, Change Management, and Training. I'm now focusing on applying this experience to Executive Coaching for IT and Project Management professionals, while also offering management consulting. My professional purpose is to share my experience with individuals and organisations to help them to achieve better results.

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